Globe’s Year-End Holiday Break 2015

Globe Marine will begin our End-of-Year Holiday Break on Tuesday, December 22, 2015, at 2:30 PM ET. We will reopen in the new year on Monday, January 4, 2016 at 8:30 AM ET.

From all of us at Globe, we thank you for your loyalty and business. We will continue to design and supply you with the best DRIVESAVER®s and Run-dry® Impellers on the market.

Happy Holidays!

The Globe Marine and The Globe Composite Solutions’ teams

Boating Safety, a New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Eve may have come and gone, but hopefully your resolutions haven’t already. Whether you’re in it for the long haul, or you and your resolutions are fair-weather friends, it’s not too late to make a new New Year’s resolution. What better resolution to make than a recommitment to boating safety?

From the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to BoatUS to the American Boating Association, here are the top tips for staying safe on the water for you, your family and friends, and your pets in any season.

Safety Tips

1) Always be aware of the weather.

Indian Ocean Sat ImageNot only should you check the weather forecast to avoid dangerous weather conditions before you go, but while you’re out on the water, stay aware of weather changes. If you notice a sudden change, drop in temperature, rough or high winds, get off the water if you can. When cruising and sailing, always file/plot your course with the appropriate authorities for your area or country, like the USCG.

Track nasty weather with BostUS‘s Hurricane Tracking & Resource Center.

Checklist2) Keep and follow a pre-departure checklist and float plan.

Keep a list of the all your gear, where it’s stored, and check that it’s all there and in working condition. Besides filing your course, let someone close to you — a friend or family member — know where you’re going and with whom you’re going. Make a list of all your fellow travelers: their names, ages, and addresses/phone numbers (if different from yours).  Make a list of any stops and destinations and when you plan on departing and arriving at each.

3) Make us of life-jackets.

lifejacketThis tip almost seems like a no-brainer, but from the banter on social media, you’d be surprised how many people still balk at wearing life-jackets. We’ll leave that argument up to you to discuss amongst yourselves, but children under 12 must wear a life-jacket at all times on open water in most states in the U.S. recommends:

  • Always have your children wear a life jacket approved by the U.S. Coast Guard while on boats, around open bodies of water or when participating in water sports.
  • Make sure the life jacket fits snugly. Have kids make a ‘touchdown’ signal by raising both arms straight up; if the life jacket hits a child’s chin or ears, it may be too big or the straps may be too loose.

And, if you’re bringing any furry friends, at least have a properly sized pet’s life-jacket for them, too. If your dog or cat can’t swim, they should probably wear it all the time on the water.

4) Don’t drink and drive.

According to the USCG, accident rates more than double when alcohol is involved with boating. Don’t forget: heat, sun, and sea can all exacerbate the effects of alcohol, too. So like when driving a car, it’s just best not to drink and drive.

USCG icon5) Take a boating safety course.

Take a USCG certified safety course or take courses online. Also, if you don’t already know how, learn to swim.

6) Have the proper/extra equipment.

Besides having and wearing life-jackets when needed and planning ahead, make sure your craft has all the needed equipment — especially if going on a long trip. Some items to be sure to have on-board in proper working order:

  • Enough fuel; if needed, an extra tank emergencies
  • Fire extinguisher
  • First aid kit
  • Fully charged engine battery
  • A working bilge pump
  • Make sure the boat’s blower, horn, and navigation lights are working (even if you’re not going out at night).
  • Have an anchor and line of the size and length to enable you to safeguard the boat in the event of a breakdown.
  • If you plan to be out of cell phone range, a marine radio is a must as is a GPS for navigation if you are going out to sea.
  • Before leaving, install a DRIVESAVER® to save your engine in case of a stall or mechanical failure and always be sure to bring an extra impeller.
What Happens To Motor w/o DRIVESAVER

What can happen to your motor after hitting some rocks without a DRIVESAVER® installed…


2014 in review — Our 1st blog year

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 380 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Globe Composite Stuffs Presents under Angel Tree

Holiday Update:

Globe Composite's Filled Angel TreeThis holiday season, for the first time, Globe Composite Solutions participated in the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program.  The Angel Tree program strives to give the gift of Christmas by providing 1-2 presents — a toy and/or an item of clothing — to every child in the most neediest of families.

It is the Salvation Army’s firm belief and we agree that every child deserves “to experience the joy of Christmas morning.”  Every child deserves to wake up to at least one present.  Such a small token, yet it can seem like an insurmountable hurdle to those families who must choose between putting food on the table and buying a toy for their child for Christmas.

Globe Composite, in its initial year of the Angel Tree program, has filled every present request on our tree.  The Salvation Army picked up the unwrapped, unmarked gifts yesterday.  We are happy that we fulfilled every ticket on our tree and hope that the gifts bring a happy Christmas to the children and families in our area.  (All of the gifts go to specific in-need families and children in your specific area or town.)

And, if that doesn’t warm your heart, watch a playlist from last year’s efforts.  (The little girl who’s psyched simply because she got shoes is adorable.)